Your Nevada State Rights

Are you facing a situation in the state of Nevada where police is questioning you due to DUI of alcohol or drug and you think that what is happening to you is not fair? Well, you must know your Nevada state rights regarding a DUI. You cannot just allow to let loose your civil liberties and constitutional rights, you have to fight to protect your rights. If you dont know your rights and how to act in such situation, things can turn worse and you can lose your drivers license and have your name registered in the DUI record of the state. Having such a record is definitely not good for you.

DUI in most cases regarded as a criminal offense that can lead to several dangerous consequences. But, if you are innocent or due to any unavoidable situation you had to drive under the influence of alcohol and you get caught, you have the right not to be treated as guilty until your guilt is proven. You also got the right hire an attorney who will fight in favor of your case. Rather, your first priority must be arranging an experienced attorney in Nevada. There are many attorneys in Las Vegas and other parts of the state who are specialized in handling DUI cases. Research well and hire a reputed lawyer who will explain all your rights in a DUI case in Nevada. By doing this, you can avoid the chances of paying more penalties and exploitation of your rights.

You can contact your local attorney only after you get relieved from the police officer on the road. So, it is evident that, there are other vital rights that you must be aware of when the police start questioning you. The police have all the rights to question you, but you are not bound to answer. You can definitely remain silent by refusing to answer the queries and this is your legal right.

Again, the police might ask you to come down for a breath test. You have the right to refuse to take such a test until you consult your attorney and explain the entire situation. You can choose to go for an independent test, if you think it would bring the better result in your favor. Your attorney will also help you with the procedure of approaching and talking with the police officer.

If you know your rights, then you can definitely deal with the DUI problem. The DUI laws are important because it discourages unsafe driving and thus ensures safety of the driver and other people also. If, however, you are detained for a DUI charge, it does not mean that it is end to everything. You can surely get out of it and for that you have to take the support of a good attorney and know your rights.
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