Lawyers Can Afford Expensive Stuff

The benchmark of success of a local attorney is how much he gets from his workers' compensation cases. Though this lawyer does not reveal how much he makes, his success can be seen by the fact that he drives a Rolls Royce and owns his own apartment building. His fees as a workers' compensation lawyer reveal this. The Associated Press and Better Government Assn., on its two month investigation picked a schedule of hearings before the Illinois Industrial Commission in Springfield at random.

He provided legal counsel in 134 of those cases. He received around $19,238 94 in legal fees for 34 cases which he handled and closed. Another legal expert earned $17,619 55 in legal fees for 12 cases.

There has been a significant increase in the fees of attorneys who practice workers' compensation, along with business costs and workers' compensation payouts. Many lawyers practice workers' compensation full time, with several having extremely lucrative practices. Some take care of big cases. As much as 20% goes to the lawyer for every settlement he handles. Majority of cases don't go to arbitration.

One might see the one fourth page advertisement of one lawyer in the local telephone directory which lets people know of his availability. This man's success, according to him, is due to the hard work he has put in the last 12 years. Sometimes he handles 50 people and sometimes he handles 80. He claims that this kind of work is difficult. He talks to maybe 20 people a day who don't have enough food to feed their family.

I work hard because I don't work for anyone else but myself. He feels a bit sad knowing that somebody would not do as much as he does because they work for a state or a company for a certain fee. People have gone to me to ask whether lawyers who deal in workers' compensation are just fakes and cheaters. Approaching the matter in that way is not wise. He explains that he is not a fraud.

Lawyers, as advocates, want their clients to get the most, but they also want the most that they can get too. Among the questions people ask us include whether or not we're getting paid much and if we rip off companies. I make it a point in my job to do what I can to help my clients and in doing so, get what I can. In some cases, a person would get a bit more than what they should. It is the responsibility of the company to maintain its stance.

There are companies who don't immediately cover the expenses of an injured worker. Problems that may arise would include getting the amount of disability that a worker suffers and how much treatment does he need. From a practical standpoint, many doctors will not treat an employee unless assured that they will be paid by the insurance company. A practical decision doctors often make is to treat the patient only after assurance of payment from the insurance company.
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