Seeking Solutions to Child Support Problems

Paying child support is a parental responsibility. A Denver child support lawyer can assist clients dealing with child support issues in both coming to a fair apportionment of responsibility for the support of each child, as well as taking action to help enforce judgments post-divorce. Some of the factors that a Denver child support lawyer can bring to light before the court in determining the amounts of support due to each child may include an evaluation of the financial resources each parent has as compared with the physical, emotional, educational and other special needs of each individual child.

Factored into this is the manner in which parenting time is divided, so that the parent who cares for the child less in person (usually the non-custodial parent) may pay an amount that is a ratio of direct parenting time and the amount calculated to meet each child's needs. The assumption, usually correct, is that the more time a parent contributes directly to caring for children, the more financial support that indirectly entails, so that is factored into the support calculation, as well. A Denver child support lawyer will help clients who are parents to gather all relevant data and come to accurate figures. Courts will also take into consideration special circumstances or changes in financial situations in order to appropriately determine child support owed.

Once child support has been established and there has been an agreement or judgment in place after divorce, the non-custodial parent is responsible to pay the amount on time as described by the court. If the court order is violated, the custodial parent has recourse to hire a Denver child support lawyer in order to seek means to remedy the situation, which may include extra fines, garnishment of wages, interception of government tax refunds, or even jail time. Violators who continue to refuse to make appropriate payments may have various privileges taken away through the suspension of licenses, such as to drive, or to be employed in jobs that require a license. Liens can also be filed against properties by the court in order collect back child support payments.

If circumstances have changed substantially so that a parent is unable to pay the amount required by the court for child support, the court order can be modified to reflect current situations, as well. It is the responsibility of the parent who owes child support to notify the court when significant changes in income or occupation occur in a timely manner - as soon as possible. Back payments will still be due in full if the party waits and does notify the court or seek to modify the order in a timely manner.

Vernon Ready Family Law is the right choice in divorce and child custody cases. somekeyword Vernon Ready is accessible, aggressive, and compassionate. Vernon Ready offers a no-nonsense, reasonable approach to divorce and separation, child custody and support, adoption, GLBT partners, and parents and legal agreements. Ask a free legal question or schedule a private consultation by calling 720-201-3802 or visit
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