So why is it that asbestos is linked so strongly to mesothelioma? Asbestos fibers, when inhaled, adhere to the cells in the membranes around your lungs, heart and abdominal cavity. Once attached they modify the secretary functions of these cells, which makes them extremely likely to mutate into mesothelioma cells. Mesothelioma diagnosis can be incredibly difficult because the symptoms that are presented can resemble anything from lung cancer to a common cold.
Mesothelioma symptoms include wheezing, tightness of chest, shortness of breath, unusual fluid buildup (especially in the chest cavity), blood in the sputum or a sharp pain when breathing in. All of these can be written off as the symptoms of another disease, but this is usually a deadly mistake. The sad truth is that once the symptoms of mesothelioma present, the disease is too far advanced to treat. The life expectancy of a patient with this disease is less than a year after the symptoms first begin to present.
Often companies who still use asbestos or have it in their buildings are aware of the health risks, but continue to use it without fear of a mesothelioma lawsuit. Asbestos was commonly found in many buildings until 20 years ago, and some landlords have yet to have it removed. A lot of building owners and businesses do not fear legal reprisal from mesothelioma cases because the disease is so uncommon - less than 40 people per million per year contract or report it, and so it is one of those things that is considered happen "almost never".
But it could happen to you and if you or a member of your family has been exposed to asbestos at any time in the last few years you would do wise to have yourself thoroughly tested and inform your doctor that you have been in contact with asbestos. If it is found that you have been contaminated or you have contracted mesothelioma then the first thing you need to do is call the top mesothelioma lawyer in California. Someone that specializes in industrial and civil injury cases, medical law and elder neglect.
Of all the different types of cases that we could deal with, we choose these because we believe that you have a right to legal representation without exorbitant costs. They are not the most lucrative of legal ventures, but our mesothelioma attorney team is motivated by personal experience with the disease.
Your mesothelioma lawyer will only go to trial if it is absolutely necessary, and we will do our best to secure a mesothelioma settlement out of court. This can take anywhere from a few months to only a few weeks. We know how precious time is when you have mesothelioma, and we resolve to serve your needs as quickly and efficiently as possible so that you live to enjoy the compensation you receive. Remember that you have every right to be compensated if you contracted the deadly disease mesothelioma as a result of the neglect of another.
Don't be a victim! Stop the silence about mesothelioma and asbestos offenders today by speaking out and contacting the a mesothelioma lawyer. Make sure that you are not taken advantage of, and that your health is not treated as a disposable commodity by those who refuse to comply with asbestos disposal laws.
Remember that if you have been exposed (or even if you think you might have been exposed) you need to get yourself tested for mesothelioma-potential membrane cells. You can avoid this deadly disease and secure compensation if you act quickly and call the best mesothelioma attorney at your disposal.
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