When you are hit with a surprise tax bill that you were not aware you would owe, it can be difficult to deal with figuring out how to pay it. Putting off paying your taxes is not recommended, because it can lead to problems down the road including penalty fees, late fees, and additional interest. On top of this, you will have to deal with increasing harassment from the IRS, including letters and phone calls, until you pay it. Although it may be tempting to avoid your bills for as long as possible, it's better to speak to an IRS tax lawyer when you have issues with your tax bills.
Even if you have years of back taxes that need to be paid, they can help you communicate more effectively with the IRS to work out a solution. It's vital to keep up your line of communication, or you may face more serious penalties down the road such as a lien on your property, asset seizure, or garnishment of your wages. Before this happens, you should talk to your IRS tax lawyer about what your options are. There are numerous benefits associated with consulting with a lawyer. To begin with, a legal professional will be on top of all of the latest rules and regulations related to taxes. Because tax laws change every year, consumers can fall behind in their knowledge.
Yet a good IRS tax lawyer has made it their business to know these laws, studying tax law in school and staying up to date with the all of the latest legal changes. They will know just how these affect your case, and can use them to potentially negotiate with the IRS. It's also a good idea to have your own legal counsel to face the IRS because they employ their own expert lawyers. Your own lawyer will be better equipped to communicate with their legal team, rather than trying to do it on your own. Settling tax bills can be stressful without the guidance of a professional.
If you have been audited, this is another example of the type of situation that could benefit from the use of a good IRS tax lawyer. They will be able to pull together all the necessary financial paperwork to present your case, and will look for legal loopholes that could reduce what you owe. When you need to be represented in court against the IRS, you want a qualified attorney at your side to present your case and reduce your personal stress.
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