For starters, you are probably under enough stress as it is given your current financial situation without taking on the time consuming task of trying to file bankruptcy on your own. Filing for bankruptcy is a complex legal matter. Even if you have very few assets there is a lot of paperwork that must be filed in order for your case to be completed. The omission of one document can cause month long delays.
Only a professional bankruptcy lawyer will be well versed with all of the laws pertaining to your specific case. Each and every bankruptcy filing is a little different given the type of debt that you have and the dollar amount. There is no such thing as a one size fits all kit that can explain step by step what you need to do to file on your behalf given the varying nature of each and every case.
The majority of people that try to file bankruptcy on their own either end up deeper in debt and never able to get the debt relief they seek or they ultimately end up hiring an attorney. As soon as those creditor calls start coming in you will want to find a permanent way of putting an end to them. There is no need to unnecessarily lengthen the amount of time that it takes for you to find a permanent solution to your debt problem. Why waste your time trying to file on your own behalf when you can get the immediate relief that you need by hiring a professional?
Most bankruptcy attorneys will let you set up a repayment plan with them so that you can pay off the costs in smaller increments. Some lawyers require a very small amount of money as a retainer so you can get started right away. Once you retain an attorney you can refer all of your creditors to them and put a permanent end to the harassment.
Sam H Pitt is the author of the article on somekeywordSam H Pitt is the author of the article on somekeyword
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