Cumulative Asbestos Exposure And Railroad Workers

Mortality and death rates increase as cumulative exposure to asbestos increases. One group of employees that have been closely studied are those in the railroad industry.

One interesting study is called, Mortality among asbestos-exposed workers in a railroad workshop. By Ohlson CG, Klaesson B, and Hogstedt C. - Scand J Work Environ Health. 1984 Oct;10(5):283-91. Here is an excerpt: Abstract - The mortality experience of a cohort of 3 297 railroad maintenance shopworkers exposed to asbestos was investigated. The study period was 1951-1980, and the vital status was assessed for 99.6% of the men. Individual estimates of cumulative asbestos exposure were based on detailed records on work tasks and divisions. Dust measurements were scanty in earlier decades, and estimates of average fiber levels were therefore based on information on the amount and kind of asbestos used, job descriptions, and interviews with older workers. The overall mortality was lower than expected from the national death rates (standardized mortality ratio = 82). The mortality from lung cancer increased as cumulative exposure increased in consistent dose-response relationships. Employment times of less than 30 years in workplaces with moderate levels of mainly chrysotile asbestos was not associated with any apparent increase in the risk of lung cancer. A subgroup exposed for more than 30 years in workplaces repairing steam engines, where amphiboles were used as well, had a standardized mortality ratio of 192 for lung cancer. This figure may be an underestimation due to healthy worker selection and fewer smokers than normal. The "true" standardized mortality ratio was estimated to be about 300. Five cases of mesothelioma were observed.

A second study that is interesting is called, Cellular ingestion, toxic effects, and lesions observed in human bronchial epithelial tissue and cells cultured with asbestos and glass fibers by Aage Haugen, Paul W. Schafer, John F. Lechner, Gary D. Stoner, Benjamin F. Trump, Curtis C. Harris - Radiation Oncology Investigations - Volume 30 Issue 3, Pages 265 272. Here is an excerpt: Abstract - Although exposure to asbestos has been shown in previous epidemiological studies to synergistically increase the risk of bronchogenic carcinoma for cigarette smokers, the pathobiological mechanism(s) responsible for the cocarcinogenic action of asbestos is not known. Therefore, the effects of asbestos fibers on normal human tracheobronchial epithelium are of interest. Asbestos fibers, i.e., amosite, crocidolite and chrysotile (UICC samples) and glass fibers were initially assayed for their cytotoxcity. Bronchial epithelial cells exposed to either asbestos or glass fibers displayed inhibition of cell growth as a function of fiber concentration. When compared to glass fibers, asbestos fibers caused a statistically significant (p
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