About Mesothelioma Attorneys

Mesothelioma cancerpatient resource with questions and answers aboutsomekeyword, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

">Mesothelioma is a very rare form of cancer where cancer cells are found in the protective sac (the mesothelium) that covers most of the body's internal organs. Evidence has shown that most people who develop mesothelioma have worked for a period of time at jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles.

Asbestos has been mined and used commercially for over 100 years. However, its use was increased drastically during WWII. Additionally, the link between asbestos and lung disease has been known since WWII when ship builders were knowingly exposed to asbestos in the air. Others who were at increased risk worked in mines and mills, workers in the heating and construction industries and producers of asbestos products. Naturally, those who were exposed to heavier doses and longer exposure time increased their risk of developing mesothelioma. However, not all workers develop this disease.

Many of the corporations that profited from the manufacturing and sale of asbestos and asbestos related products knew of the hazards since the early 1900's. However, since asbestos was inexpensive and readily available, many companies chose to continue using it without warning their workers of the dangers and the potential life threatening consequences.

For patients and their families, the course of this disease can be devastating. Mesothelioma is a painful and debilitating disease with no none cure. It is your right to compensation from those responsible for your situation. Should you decide to pursue legal action, selecting a mesothelioma attorney is an important decision and one that can also be confusing.

HOW TO CHOOSE A MESOTHELIOMA ATTORNEY Credentials. Does the law firm have a solid legal portfolio with asbestos-related cases? How many cases have they tried in this area? What is their success rate in similar cases? How much money have they recovered for other mesothelioma clients?

Understand the Fees. Are they fair and reasonable? Some firms will take your case on contingency. This means that the attorney gets paid only if the firm is successful obtaining a settlement or recovering compensation for you and your family. Contingency fees can vary from state to state and from lawyer to lawyer, but usually range between 30-40%. Be sure the firm discloses their fees. Be sure they explain what services they will cover, how it's calculated and if there will be any additional fees charges.

Understand Statutes of Limitations. You only have a limited amount of time to file your case after you've been diagnosed. The statute of limitations can vary from state to state. The clock will start ticking on the date of the diagnosis.

Consultation. Set up a consultation with the mesothelioma attorney to make sure you're comfortable with the recommendations and course of action they're suggesting. Your attorney should listen carefully to your questions and be able to explain the options, plan of action and possible downfalls with your case. If you're not comfortable with your attorney, interview another attorney for a second opinion.

QUESTIONS TO ASK YOUR ATTORNEY Does your firm have experience trying asbestos related cases?

What is your success rate for these types of cases?

How long will it take to reach a settlement?

What kind of fees can I expect to pay?

How soon can the firm start on my case? Is there an experienced mesothelioma attorney available immediately?

Never be pressured by an attorney. If you feel pressured, move on to someone else. The best attorneys are those that are not only an expert in their field, but also one who is caring, attentive, supportive and available. Ask around about the firm's reputation. Ask other attorneys. Look for websites that rate attorneys and law firms. Some of the best information on attorneys will come from peer reviews.

Lastly, some mesothelioma patients know how they were exposed to asbestos and for how long. But many patients don't know how they were exposed, how often or for how long. Thousands of products have contained asbestos including acoustical panels, attic insulation, cigarette filters, fake snow, yarn, talc powder, plaster, Kent cigarettes, hair dryers, insulation coating, ceiling tiles, the list goes on and on. If you were diagnosed with mesothelioma, chances are you were exposed to asbestos multiple times in both your home and at work. More than likely you were exposed many, many years prior to your diagnosis.

The value of your case depends on if you are able to identify the defendants and if they are still in business today. Many of these companies have declared bankruptcy. You will also need to identify the asbestos containing products you were exposed to. Your age and earning capacity will also be considered.

If you are too sick to work with the lawyers on your case, find out if the law firm will allow an appointed family member to act on your behalf.

somekeywordpatient resource with questions and answers aboutsomekeyword, a deadly cancer caused by asbestos exposure.
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