Nadrich And Cohen Providing Resources For Victims Of Asbestos-related Illnesses

Nadrich And Cohen Providing Resources For Victims Of Asbestos-related Illnesses


One of the most insidious aspects of asbestos related illnesses such as malignant mesothelioma is that the general symptoms are so non-specific that it may take several months before the first acute symptoms come to light. Asbestos cancers including pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma are the result of asbestos exposure, and victims battling this affliction need not only the resources to learn more about the disease and find support, but also the resources by which to protect their rights and seek compensation in an asbestos lawsuit. Let the asbestos attorneys at Nadrich and Cohen, LLP help you find the resources you need and the restitution you deserve.As mentioned above, the early symptoms of pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma are non-specific, and do differ a bit depending on the type you're dealing with. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma, the most common form, include shortness of breath, chest pain, and a persistent cough. Again, these symptoms may take a while to present, and some patients show no symptoms at all. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include pain or swelling in the abdomen, nausea, weight loss, anemia, or swelling of the feet.Much like its early symptoms, mesothelioma is a form of cancer that many dont know much or anything about until it enters their lives. Part of our goal at Nadrich and Cohen is to go beyond legal counsel and supply links and resources by which you can find the information, treatment, and support you need during this trying time. Access these resources by visiting the Mesothelioma Help page on our website at somekeyword.If you've been afflicted with mesothelioma, part of getting better and moving past this chapter in your life includes seeking legal counsel and compensation for your trials and tribulations. In nearly every case of illness related to asbestos exposure, the exposure and thus the illness itself could have been avoided had the proper precautions been taken by builders, employers, etc. Our experienced team has made a career out of championing the rights of victims of chemical exposure, winning them hundreds of millions of dollars in the process.The process of beating mesothelioma begins with educating yourself and finding the support system and treatment options you need. And it continues by protecting your rights and righting the wrong of asbestos exposure by seeking the help of qualified and experienced legal counsel. Let our team be your advocate and help you seek the compensation you deserve.
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