The Occupational Risks of Asbestos and Contacting a Mesothelioma Attorney

The Occupational Risks of Asbestos and Contacting a Mesothelioma Attorney

Asbestos is ubiquitous in the United States. As this mineral exists in fibrous form and is resistant to water, chemicals, electricity and heat, it was incorporated into several construction, household, and commercial products all around the world. In addition, it was also used in building battleships, subjecting a majority of veterans to exposure to asbestos either as sailors or as shipbuilders. According to the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety, over 75 occupational groups have exposed their workers and the public to asbestos. Workers who do not handle asbestos directly can be exposed to it via its presence in the products they work around or in the atmosphere.

Such employees include textile workers, building engineers, glass and paper factory workers, longshoremen, road builders, building managers and contractors. Less surprisingly, even teachers have been exposed to asbestos not only through the building materials utilized in their school construction, but also through the crayons and blackboards they used. This exposure to asbestos can led workers to develop mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a malignant cancer that affects the mesothelium, the outer lining of the major internal organs in our body such as the heart, abdomen and lungs. This disease is difficult to diagnose in part due to its long latency period of almost 30 to 50 years, leaving individuals unsure of how or when they contracted this cancer. It also leaves its victims with several medical treatments and substantial medical bills. It is in this case that they need to hire an experienced mesothelioma attorney to fight for their legal rights and gain compensation from the manufacturers who have subjected them to prolonged exposure to asbestos. A mesothelioma attorney needs to have enough experience in this subject of litigation and also should have a track record of substantial settlements for successful lawsuits. Proximity and price should also be considered when hiring a mesothelioma attorney.

If you or your loved one is suffering from mesothelioma, you can contact Baron and Budd. Baron and Budd is a nationally acclaimed law firm that has been protecting the rights of mesothelioma victims for 30 years with 50 attorneys. Though Baron and Budd is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, it has several office locations across the U.S.

Throughout the years, this reputed law firm has compiled much information about this disease and has gathered this information into a database to help future asbestos cases. In addition, Baron and Budd handles many cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that a client does not pay any litigation costs up-front. For additional information, please visit

About Author;-

This article is based on Jim's research on asbestos and somekeyword.Jim does not work for Baron and Budd, is by no means an expert in this particular field. That said, he keeps up to date on latest legal news about mesothelioma lawyers at somekeyword, P.C. by reading the articles at
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