The biggest US cover up trial has ended another long, tiring week. The jurors are taking their bus ride, the person at the center of the controversy is returning to prison, and the lawyers and defendants are facing a long weekend of work.
The United States District Judge, in a very calculated move, nearly runs to escape the courtroom. He doesn?t want to hear any more questions. The accused finally smiled after seeing him hurry out. He is exhausted. Answering thousands of questions, without showing emotion, has worn him down. Marshals escort him to the detention facility where he serves his one to four-year sentence for obstruction of justice.
The judge told the jury to relax and wished them a good weekend. The sequestered jury has been living in a motel. They will probably be taken out this weekend for a picnic and some time spent away from the hotel. Even after having warning the lawyers to stop bickering, they have continued. So the judge shares a few choice words with them.
It seems you all have been effective, since you were able to extract an admission of having taken part in the cover up alleged in this matter. He has given his testimony, and now the jury must decide if he is to be believed. At the conclusion of a recess, he states his concern about the jury being influenced by the court.
They is no way to really know how affected the jury will be by his testimony, by the accused continues to stand by his story of the cover up that he's been telling anyone who will listen. Many discrepancies concerning dates were found within the testimony. Spectators, who had waited in long lines to be present in the courtroom, enjoyed the legal wrangling between the judge and the lawyers far more than the testimony.
When the jury and accused had left the room, the lawyers got into a heated argument because the government had failed to let them know who would be after the next witness. According to the chief prosecutor, the name of the witness was unknown to him, and regardless, the government was not obligated to provide the information more than one day in advance. Avoiding an argument was good enough reason to provide the witness name, he said.
A compromise was sought by the district attorney once again. He wanted a written record of his protest of the manner in which the case was prosecuted. They are withholding materials for months at a time. They don't want to release the name of the witness for Monday because they don't want the defense to have a shot at preparing to cross examine said witness. "We've provided a wealth of transcript pages while they contend their testimony would fit on the back of a match cover." Laughter rocked the courtroom when, sighing, the district attorney stated that he thought they'd been getting along fine up until now. At that point, the judge was standing, clearly ready to depart, stating that he is already overly burdened trying to keep the attorneys in check.
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