Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (tos)

Thoracic outlet syndrome typically occurs when an employee must remain in non-ergonomic positions for a long period of time. Along with employees that work at computer stations, athletes and musicians are also at risk for this disorder. After exerting oneself in these unnatural positions, the thoracic outlet may become strained, such as to the brachial plexus or subclavian vein or artery. In short, when the nerves are compressed in the general region of your thoracic cavity, you may develop TOS, which can cause pain, loss of temperature sensation, numbness or weakening of the hand or arm. If it is not treated quickly, TOS can cause long-term neurological damage.

There are several forms of treatment for this type of injury including stretching, nerve gliding or posture realignment. Other more invasive forms include Botox or Cortisone injections. In either case, these treatments cost money and may cause you to miss work, adding to your financial loss. If your injury was sustained on the job, you may be entitled to workers compensation benefits to help recover some of that monetary loss.

In order to prevent TOS, review the following recommendations:
Avoid repetitive movements. As a type of repetitive stress injury, precautions should be taken before engaging in the activity that may have caused the injury in the first place.
Avoid lifting heavy objects. This is particularly applicable to employees who work on construction sites or in factories.
Consider losing weight. Some of the symptoms could be alleviated if you drop some pounds.
Avoid reaching for objects over your head. This motion especially strains the thoracic cavity.
Continue to strengthen and condition your hands, arms and shoulders. A physical therapist or your physician may be able to give you advice on exercises that will help you achieve this goal.

A repetitive stress injury, such as TOS, can cause have a devastating effect on your life, making easy tasks difficult and painful. It can also affect the lives of your family if high medical bills cause you to go into debt or put a strain on family finances. In order to get the money you deserve from your workers compensation claim, consider hiring an experienced attorney to help you navigate the often-confusing legal system.
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