What can a Social Security Disability lawyer do for you

What can a Social Security Disability lawyer do for you

Everyone plans for a comfortable retirement, however, ensuring a sound future does not start with just having a pension plan and savings in the bank as some events suddenly change one's life and plans such as an accident or an impairment that affects one's ability to work. When this happens most people are usually not prepared and try to make do with their past savings as they no longer have the capacity to work. The solution to this problem is the social security disability benefits program which ensures that such people receive an average monthly cash payment, medical care and supplemental security income (SSI).

There are two types of social security benefits: SSI SSDI

The SSDI program pays benefits to eligible candidates if you have worked enough hours to earn enough credits which are earned through Social Security taxes that are deducted from your paychecks. This program pays benefits to individuals who cannot work because of a medical condition that is expected to last at least 12 months or may result in death. Also in order to qualify for this program you must have worked at least for 5 of the last 10 years.

The SSI program pays benefits to the individuals who are disabled and have a limited income and resources. The purpose of this program is to provide assistance to those with little or no income and in need of basic necessities like food, clothing and shelter. This is a federal program funded by general tax revenue.

In order to qualify for either program one must prove to the Social Security Administration that he/she is disabled according to the prescribed rules. A claimant is proved disabled if they are unable to undertake substantial, gainful employment. To prove if someone is disabled or not has become a complex problem which is not easily solved as a result of which the Social Security application and decision process has become extremely stringent. Social Security denies 70% to 75% of the applications for disability. Approximately 60% to 70% of these denied applications are turned into accepted claims after either reconsideration or a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge.

Statistics show that chances of getting benefits are better if your claim or appeal is handled by a skilled Social Security Disability lawyer with experience in the field. The role of the somekeyword is to make filing your disability claim hassle-free while ensuring that you receive the full amount of the benefits to which you are entitled. The following are the advantages of hiring a lawyer to help you with your claim:

handles the paperwork takes care of the costs of getting your records to the Social Security Administration you don't have to pay a single penny until your claim is accepted tries to get your claim accepted as quickly as possible

Winning the case is very important not only because of the benefits but also for the Medicare provided as it means the difference between homelessness and no Medicare and having a safety net of monthly payment and life-saving medical care. Therefore, you would be wise to use the services of a somekeyword to guide you through the entire process and increase your chances of winning.
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