There may be days when you feel as if the world is out to get you and everything is just too much. If you are feeling like unemployment is too much for you to handle, consider a few changes in your life.
If you wake up in the morning now that you are unemployed, and lounge around in your pajamas until after lunch, you may find yourself feeling depressed. Even if you log onto the Internet and do a job search, you may still not feel productive. This is because you are starting your day off all wrong.
Conducting your job search is not instantly going to get you results,you are going to have to send resumes, make calls, and have interviews before you secure work. Therefore your early morning job search will not yield instant results. Instead of rolling out of bed and plopping down in front of the computer, get up, get dressed, and greet the morning with a brisk walk. Head out to your neighborhood streets or the park. When you get back home, clean up, check the mail, and settle in for a few hours of job hunting. You will be filled with energy from your walk, and you will feel fresh and organized.
Set a time limit on how long you will conduct your job search. For three hours, focus on your resume, your cover letter, and want ads. During this time, take two or three short breaks. When the three hours has ended, your job searching for the day should be over. Any job that pops up in the evening hours will still be there during your next day's search. After your search, you can enjoy a hobby, cook a new recipe for dinner, or spend time with a supportive friend. Approaching your unemployment time like this will help you stay on track and ward off depression.
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