L.a Road Accidents Statistics And Safety Tips

Road Safety in America

According to the U.S Department of Transportation, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among Americans 1-34 years old. Road accidents are not just a tragic loss of lives and limbs but also, a huge economic drain as the total societal cost of crashes exceeds $230 billion annually.

In 2007, 41,059 people died from traffic accidents. Statistics gathered show that:

59% Road departure fatalities
21% Intersection fatalities
11% Pedestrian fatalities
32% Speed related crashes

Focus: Los Angeles

Los Angeles is certainly no stranger to road accidents. Car crashes are never far from the headlines. And the Memorial Day celebration yielded high numbers in California where more than thirty people were killed in traffic accidents statewide and nearly 1,300 people were arrested for drunk driving.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2007, there were a total of 3,974 fatalities from road accidents in Los Angeles. From this number, 1,155 of these were alcohol-related deaths, 1,464 were caused by speeding, 517 were motorcycle fatalities and 640 were pedestrians.

Road Accident Causes

In 2007, every 13 minutes, a person dies in motor vehicle crash. A huge factor in road accidents are alcohol, speed, and various other driver behaviors plus the kinds of vehicles people drive and the roads on which they travel.

Alcohol - In 2007, there were 12,998 alcohol-impaired-driving fatalities. It represents an average of one alcohol-related fatality every 40 minutes. The highest percentages of drivers with BAC levels of .08 g/dL or higher were recorded for drivers 21 to 24 years old (35%), followed by ages 25 to 34 (29%) and 35 to 44 (25%).

Speeding - One of the most prevalent factors contributing to traffic crashes. The economic cost to society of speeding-related crashes is estimated by NHTSA to be $40.4 billion per year. Young males are the most likely to be speeding.

Driver Distraction Anything that impairs a drivers focus is fatal for him and other people. A leading cause for driver distraction is the presence of mobile phones while driving. A Vlingo Consumer Mobile Messaging Habits Report revealed that one in four mobile phone users drive while texting.

There are other factors such as weather conditions, vehicle safety and design, physical impairment, road maintenance, and the other drivers negligence.

Solving Road Accidents

Los Angeles road accidents can be prevented. All it takes is the drivers discipline and obedience to the rules and regulations imposed by law. However, here are some tips to solve or at least, avoid and minimize the chances of road accidents.

1.Be responsible. Drive and walk safely and always be alert and attentive to the motorists and pedestrians around you.
2.Never drink and drive. Apply the same rule to people you know, dont let them drive or get into a vehicle with a drunk driver at the wheel.
3.Click It or Ticket. Wearing seat belts is a primary enforcement law for most states. But when you buckle up, you dont just obey the law, you also protect yourself.
4.Obey traffic signals and signs. They are obviously there for a reason and that is to prevent road accidents and keep motorists and pedestrians safe.
5.Avoid aggressive driving. Don't give into road rage. Your life and the lives of your passengers are more important than angrily reacting to an irresponsible driver.
6.Motorcycle drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians should always wear light-colored or reflective clothing at night to be more visible to drivers.
7.Before you take a left turn at an intersection, make sure it is safe to do so. (More than one-third of all deaths to vehicle occupants occur in side-impact crashes. Most of these occur at intersections.)
8.Obey the speed limits and make sure you drive carefully through intersections and work zones.
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