Student Loans - Bankruptcy Lawyers Might Not Be Able To

Student Loans - Bankruptcy Lawyers Might Not Be Able To Help

Being in debt can be horrible. Yet many college students start their adult lives in serious debt. The total student debt will total more than one trillion dollars for the first time ever. In total, people living in the United States owe more for the student federal loans than on their credit cards, which is again the first time this has ever happened in the history of the United States. Even after adjusting for the inflation rate, students are now taking out two times the amount in student loans that they did ten years ago. Following that logic, it makes sense that the total outstanding debt is two times what it was ten years ago. And because the government has given the lenders broader collection powers than mortgage lenders or credit card lenders, it means that this kind of debt cannot be shed in bankruptcy. So for graduated students thinking about hiring a bankruptcy lawyer, it might be out of the question, even if they have one-hundred thousand or more dollars in debt and might qualify for help from a bankruptcy lawyer had it been any other kind of debt.

This time though, instead of the lenders losing out on their huge loans, it will be the borrowers who will have to work for decades to pay back what they owe, all to try to get an education and have a better life. Even though these students will not be able to hire a bankruptcy lawyer to help them, they might need that bankruptcy lawyer to explain to them that they might be able to default on their loans. Defaulting simply means that a person either cannot or refuses to pay their debt payments. The greatest amount of people that default on their loans usually come from for-profit colleges or universities. These for-profit universities are able to charge whatever they want for tuition, and often it can be the student who loses. Interestingly enough though, it is not the big name private universities that have the largest default rate. It's not Harvard, Yale, University of Chicago, all of which charge more than fifty thousand dollars per year of tuition. It is actually the private, for-profit universities that serve primarily lower-income students, but more than that, it is the for-profit universities that not only do that, but offer mostly online classes. The funny thing is that these college are not even looked at as being very good, so are the students really getting their money's worth? Or rather is it worth their years of needing to work and pay off that debt that has built up over their heads. And especially now when so many college graduates are underemployed, meaning that they are employed below their skill level.

Is college worth it in this economy? Now that so many people are not able to use the things that they learn in college to get a job that will help them quickly pay off that debt, should parents send their children to college? Don't expect a bankruptcy lawyer to have all the solutions if you get caught in debt due to a student loan.
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