People facing bankruptcy often assume they cannot afford a lawyer. After all, if they had extra income or credit they wouldn't be in their present situation, and lawyers have a reputation for being costly. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Bankruptcy lawyers know that their clients will not be coming to them with a big budget to spend on legal counsel. Bankruptcy attorneys are often able to make substantial progress for your case in a relatively short time. They have a variety of methods to handle payment so that you don't have to make another hard choice. Their purpose as your attorney is to make your financial life simpler and less stressful.
When you hire a bankruptcy attorney you gain the expertise of a friend who knows the fine points of the legal system. There are many complicated rules and options in bankruptcy law, both at the federal level and in Illinois state law. A typical bankruptcy case will involve elements of both, because bankruptcy is a federal issue but each state is allowed to make their own restrictions and protections as well. The state of Illinois has a particularly complex set of rules. Some are there to protect you and offer you benefits and advantages you might never know about without an attorney.
Of course the biggest reason to hire a lawyer is to make sure you don't lose your home or other property and investments. There are many different ways to pursue bankruptcy but this is a priority for almost everyone who files. Oftentimes people who file without the advice of an attorney end up pursuing the wrong kind of bankruptcy and losing property they could have kept.
There's no need to become a victim of the system. Put the power in your own hands and find a bankruptcy solution that will put you in the best position possible. In Chicago, bankruptcy can be difficult but it can also be a chance to start over. Consult with a lawyer and see what they can do for you.
Sam H Pitt is the author of the article on somekeywordSam H Pitt is the author of the article on somekeyword
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