Scams And Frauds

Allow me discuss a few tips with you.

1.Never trust people, who tell you that they can make you a lot of money over a very short period of time even if those people are driving very expensive cars, live in home worth millions of dollars so on and so forth. The person who is willing to make you rich overnight is one that you should avoid (believe me when I say this). In my previous article, I noted that I was taken by three con-artists who were associated with each other and they tossed me back and forth. Not until I was hit hard in a short time did I realize how good they were. No, I am not talking about Nigerians or any other nationals, but Americans right here in my hometown. Even as smart as I thought I was and with the resources I had to find information about these guys, I still was not aware of their deceptions until I was hit hard and lost a lot. No, I am not talking about thousands of dollars; try high five (5) to six zeros. The sad part is that two of these guys did not have any criminal records and they were all living in nice homes, with a list of clients that signed up well before me and even believed in these guys long after me. Unfortunately, one of those guys is still loose and hiding somewhere. The other two got just a little time, because our system of justice only severely prosecutes a person who robs a bank (financial institution). If a person robs a bank for 10,000.00 dollars or so, he will get over a decade of jail time but, if a person robs millions from innocent people (lets say at minimum 100 people), that person gets a slap on the wrist or maximum 5 years. Thats justice for you and I.

The only way you can become rich is either with hard work or to hit the lottery (which I call poor mans money.) Since the ODDS of you or I winning the lottery is very very remote, so lets be normal and try to make money the right way. That is by using your GOD GIFTTED BRIAN. By the way, I know two people who won millions in the lottery and just a few short years later they ended up back in the same lifestyle they were before the winning(so sad).

2.Never give your Social Security number (SSN) over the Internet or phone to anyone (especially if that person is not a part of any institutions that you have done business with previously). I tell people it is better you lose a thousand dollars than losing your SSN to some stranger. When a deceptive person gets a hold of your SSN, you will spend months trying to persuade creditors, collection agencies and bureaus that you were not the one who opened the accounts and made so many charges. I received this book called Your Credit = Your Life, Fix It Now! which offers a lot of information about fraud, collection agencies, protection and so much more. Please read this book. Even those creditors, who insist on having your entire SSN, MUST understand the fact when you tell them, I cant give you my SSN over the Internet. If you already have an account with this creditor, then they MUST ask you other questions such as list of transactions, payment, history, etc. Believe me they know how, what and when to ask the questions to know if you are the account holder. Dissolving fraud usually requires a lengthy fight and much aggravation. Sometimes it may require hiring attorneys and paying exurbanite retainer fees in an attempt to get their lives back on track. IS IT WORTH the headache, frustration, lack of sleep, loss of so much money, or even worse? I know a couple of people who did not listen to me and did the exact opposite of what I had been telling them

3.Do NOT volunteer checking, savings, investment account, or credit card information to collection agencies. Lets assume (you do not know how much I hate this word assume) the best-case scenario. Lets say that the collection agencies truly want to work something out with you for passed due accounts. When you agree to make A (one time) payment using a credit card, guess what happens the following months and without your authorization. Now go ahead try to fight the additional draft. The collection agencies will tell you that we never agreed on a one time payment, we agreed on a monthly payment. The credit card company WILL TELL you, sorry you made an agreement and that the collection agency provided records. If you want to make a payment to a collection agency, send the company Certified Check, Cashiers Check, or Money Order. Do NOT send your regular check. Some of these companies may even share/sell your personal and financial information to other companies. When you provide the information to one and another company also initiates its aggressive collection (addressed in the book mentioned above), would you be able to tell where this company received such accurate information? Can you prove it? I bet your answers are both No. I dont know how to do that So, STOP giving out your information to people whose intentions are not to help you but to help their own paychecks. Please read Your Credit = Your Life, Fix It Now! to learn more.

4.Nobody hands you free money. So, when I call you and tell you, you won, all I need is a checking or saving account number to transfer all this money into your account, please dont immediately jump up and down and get excited and give me all the information I need. You can act excited, give me some bogus numbers if you want. Keep me on my toes so that you can get my information and pass it on to the FBI. But I bet most these calls come from private, unknown or some other dead end numbers or do not allow reply call (the number is not in service for incoming calls). If you want free money, look around your house and start seeing the money you wasted on useless items that have not been used or stuff that was used only once You need to learn the concept of Saving Your Money. (another book out there). Please take advantage of the knowledge base I provided for you.

5.Watch out for the Debt Consolidation, Debt Settlement, Debt Management or other similar companies. There is a lot to say about these. It is discussed in the credit repair book (mentioned above). Here you leave all your accounts at a serious risk or if nothing else, you may be defrauded out of money. It is very detailed in that book. However, allow me to give you an example.

A couple of weeks ago, a Debt Settlement company out of Florida somehow found my number to offer me help to settle my debts for a lot less. Dont ask me how they got my number, I am a unique individual who wears several hats and most telemarketers dont know it. So, I became interested (since I try to protect others in a hope to reduce scam). I was so ready to jump on board and get ALL MY DEBT CONSOLIDATED AND UNSECURED DEBT PAID FOR A LOT LESS that I could not jump high enough for joy. I agreed to everything she said, and answered all the questions the way she wanted to hear. She sent me a package from some network company in Boca and an 800-DEBT number.

After reading the information included in the package, I learned the trick of how people may get deceived. If I knew just a little less than what I know (with a Equifax score of over 820+), I would have DIVED on board head first without even having my hands or arms over my head. The document I received was suggestive to deception, included misrepresentations of facts, which can be misleading, directing to commit fraud under false pretense by giving suggestive ideas. The funny part about all this was the numbers thrown in there for fees. Of course the deal looks good (if I wanted to do this). Settling $35,000.00 worth of debt for about $19,250.00 of which $8,750.00 of it was fees to a Law Center. The contract stated, no down payment and monthly payments of $497.33 for 42 months were needed. Now, multiplying the number of month (42) times the monthly payment of ($497.33) equals to $20,887.86 which is a bit higher than the Total Amount with Fees (55%): $19,250.00 (as indicted on the agreement). Of course the deal is still good; because it would have saved me a little over $14,000.00 dollars. Thats if the companys intentions were true and they are not in the business of robbing people (I do not know). However, is it ethical???? What are your thoughts? Please contact me and tell me. I do not know what the FL Attorney General (A.G.) and the US Department of Justice would say. But, as stated in the Credit Repair book (introduced above) dont look for the government agencies to do their job correctly.

There is so much more.
6.Do NOT co-sign a loan for someone else (does not matter how close you are to that person) unless you have the means and intent to make the monthly payment yourself irregardless of the person you co-signed for pays or not. I heard it all. I would like to hear someones story about a co-signed loan that remained good for the length of the loan. The best relationships break over this (exception: child-parents). You must either accept the fact that you will make the payment for the other person whether he/she pays you or not, or do not sign the loan document. There is no other way about it. If you have good credit and want to help someone (lets say your children or immediate family member with the benefits and power of your excellent credit), then take the chance of signing the loan with the understanding that you will pay the loan no matter what. You do not have to announce your thoughts or decision, but just remember that if the person makes late payments or defaults, your excellent score is no more. And based upon how bad it damaged your credit, the effect of such negative may not be removed off your credit report-score for at minimum 2 5 years (depending on how good your credit was/is on other accounts).
7.I advertised for something over the Internet (specially Criglist) and received so many emails from people who claimed to be from England or Australia. They all had the same thing in common. Bad or poor English yet claim to be educated and some even doctors or professors. So, I decided to play their game. As I would receive their first email, ALL were screaming SCAM. I prepared a Frequently asked questions list (Q & A)- answered all questions anyone could have had about my item. I would cut and paste my FAQ to all inquires (whether scam or not). In my FAQ, I clearly presented that I do not accept money order, personal or company check. The only way, I accept funds is if it is Certified or Cashier Check from a reputable bank. I do NOT accept any funds over the amount to secure the item you wish to have. It seems that the deceivers do not even take the time to read and after a couple of emails, they were ready to send me more than what was needed to secure the item. And, they ALL asked me to Western Union the remaining/overage amount to them or their associate in another state or country so that they would be able to make travel arrangement to meet me. Yeah. Right!! In fact, two of them went to the extend of sending me some homemade check or a copy of a printed check (with copy signature). The moral of the story. First of all, do NOT accept any funds coming from other countries, IF you do not know the source. Do not send money elsewhere when the source is not verifiable through a federally know agencies. If and when you receive a check, do NOT rush to the law enforcement, because they cannot help you and will brush you off with some excuses. The only agency that MAY be interested to know is FBI in the U.S. or the national enforcement agency in your country. However, if you receive cash/BILLS, contact the U.S. Secret Service or the Department of Treasury or the security department of the Federal Bank in your country to verify of the currency is good. Even if the checks look very very legitimate, you MUST contact the bank and see if the account is open, good standing, has funds, the payees name is the actual account holder and much more. Tell the bank security department what you have. I would be careful with the check even if the bank says (everything checks out and funds are there). Lets say that all is good and you want to deposit the check; do not send any money to anyone until at minimum 10 days after the check clears your account. I would still be careful because. If I give you a check and you cash it, I may be able to dispute the check with my bank a month later.
8.Similar to No. 7 (above), do not accept employment of collecting funds for a large company in another country. How about having a part-time employment and collecting funds for me in your country. I will ask my associates or the companies in which my company is doing business in your country send you the payment, you take your fee of 25% or $500.00 (whatever we agree to) and send us the rest through Western Union, DHL or some expedited method. Please make certain you ship cash to me. It is a great deal. All you do is just wait for our payments (from our clients to reach you), rush to your bank, deposit and take the portion over you fees out and send it to me quickly. Dont you love it?

These are only some of the simpler methods. I am certain that there are much complicated methods of scams out there. So it does not matter how much money you may have that losing a few hundred of thousand dollars may not matter to you, or that how broke and desperate you may be and any opportunity and hope for making money may motivate you, there are some things you do not want to do. It is like knowing a food is filled with poison and you intentionally eat it.

With love, care and best wishes.
Mike Samadi

Here is something to make you smile. A joke: I hope you dont find it insulting but funny. (NOT FOR KIDS). Adult discretion is advised.

A man walked into a supermarket with his zipper down. A lady cashier walked
up to him and said, "Your barracks door is open."

Not a phrase that men normally use, he went on his way looking a bit

When he was about done shopping, a man came up and said, "Your fly is open."

He zipped up and finished his shopping. At the checkout, he intentionally
got in the line where the lady was that told him about his "barracks door".

He was planning to have a little fun with her, so when he reached the
counter he said, "When you saw my barracks door open, did you see a Marine
standing in there at attention?"

The lady (naturally smarter than the man) thought for a moment and said "No,
no I didn't. All I saw was a disabled veteran sitting on a couple of old
duffel bags.
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