Your Child Custody Attorney And Relevant Answers

If you're going through a divorce, chances are you have significant questions about the care of your children. It is often one of the biggest sticking points when it comes to settling a divorce agreement and it can turn ugly when the former spouses are not on the same page. A child custody attorney can not only help you get through this difficult period, but can also help to ensure you get a fair shake in court. Even if you don't want to contest your spouse's wishes, you may have specific concerns as they pertain to tricky areas such as holidays. While some of this can be worked out between the parties, negotiations sometimes break down.


When attempting to reach a fair agreement, a good child custody attorney will often suggest what's known as a rotating schedule when it comes to holiday visitations. In a joint custody situation, it's not unusual for parents to bristle at the thought of their little ones being with the other spouse during important holidays. Since being together for the holidays is often out of the question, the rotating schedule sometimes works best. This may be worked out on an alternating yearly basis. For instance, this year the father has the child for Christmas, while next year they will spend Christmas with the mother.

Summer Break

Summer break can be handled in a variety of different ways, depending on the situation. In many cases, summer is handled the same as the rest of the year. In others, this may not be possible due to work situations. A child custody attorney will need to work with her client to determine what's best. But a judge is more likely to look at what's best for the child, rather than what's best for the parents. If those dovetail, so much the better, but the child's interests will always come first. If nothing else, splitting the summer vacation in half, with the son or daughter spending half at one parent's house and half at the other's, may work best.

Medical Bills

Your child custody attorney will probably tell you that whichever parent has the superior health insurance plan will be responsible for having the children on their plan. In the case of deductibles and other expenses not covered by the policy, these expenses will need to be put into the overall child support guidelines and divided just as would be any other monetary concerns.
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